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Creator Theme Content services

Great For

  • Building landing pages
  • Updating old posts
  • Implementing SEO recommendations
  • Creating recipe cards
  • Miscellaneous tasks!

What our clients are saying:

“You’re so familiar with my site at this point I pretty much love all of your recommendations . . . I really appreciate the second eye!! 🫶🫶 Thanks!”

How Does this work?

We’ve updated anywhere from 120-150 posts in a 20-hour block of time.

How much does this cost?

Time is pre-purchased in blocks of hours with a bulk discount.

What if I don’t use all of my hours?

This hasn’t happened yet! In fact, we’ve had people purchase more hours! We keep detailed track of our time and will reach out to discuss how else we can support your site with any remaining time.

Will I be kept informed during this process?

Of course! We use Clariti to stay organized and keep everyone updated in real time. In addition, we’ve been using Slack to communicate regularly with our pilot projects. However, we’re happy to use whatever fits your workflow.

Does migrating my content to newer blocks matter?

We decided to take a look at analytics & search console for some of our clients to confirm whether updating content to newer blocks is worth pursuing (as opposed to supporting old blocks).

However, since we typically launch a new theme around the time that we start content services, it was hard to determine what caused the shift in traffic. Then, we remembered a client we’ve been working on with content for months… who still hasn’t launched a new theme.

Below is what we found. Steady improvements traffic-wise. This is all a result of content services completed before a new theme launch. Your content matters.

Why should I work with your team for this type of project?

We’re not just industry experts who have focused on content creation for over a decade, we’re experts in your site’s technical setup!

Creator Theme was built for collaboration with a focus on quality content.

You can use any VA you’d like to accomplish your goals… our team just tends to be more efficient working in Creator Theme!